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    Wednesday, 17 June 2009

    Ode to my Baby

    As Jude lay in my arms last night, giggling quietly to himself while falling asleep, I sat rocking him gently and cherished every moment. A few minutes earlier he had cried out for me through the darkness of the night and I rushed to his side as I always do when he cries.

    My beautiful boy who loves his mummy and needs very little more than to be loved in return. I cherish every waking moment with you in my arms and when you cry out for me I hold it close to my heart.

    One day you'll be all grown up and you won't need me any more. The times when you will crawl happily into my arms are few and short lived.

    I implore all mothers and fathers out there, please don't ignore your baby when he or she cries out for you, your baby needs and wants you now but that won't long be the case. Cherish it while you can.