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    Sunday, 27 July 2008

    Bladder Bouncing

    Don't get me wrong. I have had quite possibly the most perfect pregnancy possible. No morning sickness, no rounds of insane emotional outbursts, not a single strange food craving (although I did go off pasta for a month in the first trimester). Anyway, there's little to complain about and until the baby started kicking in week 17, I had no particularly strong feelings that I was really pregnant(although the ultrasounds and blood tests certainly supported the myth).

    As soon as the baby started kicking, the baby starting kicking down ... hard and constantly, with direct aim on my bladder.

    All the reading material suggested that the 2nd trimester would be a time of blissful peace and non-frequent trips to the loo. I, however, found that pesky 2nd trimester to be a pain in the ... well ... you-know-what. To be honest (and a little bit personal) I never felt entirely confident in myself (thank god there were no mishaps). At night I was getting up a good 20 times to visit the toilet and I did always need to go, it wasn't like I sat down on the porcelain and suddenly found it was a false alarm. I was always wondering where all that liquid was coming from, but somehow I managed not to dehydrate completely like a shriveled prune.

    It seems that my baby didn't want to get out of my pelvis through my entire 2nd trimester. Most other people find their baby migrates north for winter, but mine just bunkered down and shut the doors and windows ... and kept bouncing on my bladder.

    Now finally in my 3rd trimester I've managed 2 nights in a row of sleeping almost through the whole night (waking up just once for the loo, but that I can handle). I am enjoying this reprieve. Baby is still kicking, rolling and punching like crazy and I'm enjoying all those movements. What a nice time we're all having right now. I'm sure Jeremy's enjoying it now that I'm sleeping through the night, too.

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