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    Sunday, 24 October 2010

    Confirmed Pregnant

    My intuition was spot on.

    Pregnancy forums use the initials BFP (Big Fat Positive) to describe a positive result from a pregnancy test, but in my case it was more of a Little Faint Positive. All the same, there was an undeniable double blue line on the white stick when I took the test this morning.

    We are a bit surprised how excited we are. We thought we'd be a bit more subdued about having a 2nd child, but I was so excited yesterday and when I woke up this morning, knowing I would take the test as soon as I got out of bed, I didn't want to rush it. I certainly didn't want to see a negative result and as long as I was in bed I didn't have to face it, but then Jeremy woke me up and told me he was waiting for me to take the test, so in the end I had to do it.

    And I'm very glad I did.

    As soon as we told Jude he said "Yay. Wow. Baby sissy." It's so fantastic knowing Jude will be a part of the experience this time. I think that's what makes this pregnancy so exciting and fun. How wonderful.

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