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    Tuesday, 8 February 2011

    Managing expectations: Boy or Girl?

    In only 2 days we will find out the gender of our baby (as long as the baby cooperates). Due to the timing of conception and the information that was conveyed to us during our 12-week scan, we have considered all along that this little bundle is a girl, and have given little thought to the idea of having a boy.

    However, as the big day approaches it is starting to occur to me more and more that the result of our scan in 2 days may yield an unexpected result, and if I'm honest I just don't know how I'll react.

    If we are, indeed, pregnant with a boy it will be a surprise and something of a shock. Certainly a shock I can get used to, but it will take some time because mentally and emotionally I am expecting a girl.

    I would be perfectly happy with another little boy, just like my gorgeous and perfect Jude who I love more than life, but I will have to mourn the loss of the girl I am expecting if it comes to that, and I think it will be a bit difficult at first.

    At least I am aware that there are 2 options and at this stage they are both likely, if not exactly equally. The other thing I can be safe in the knowledge of, is that I will love my child unconditionally no matter what.

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