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    Monday, 16 May 2011

    Back on track

    Every spare moment I could find (which were few and far between) I tried every position I could read about to try to get Lilac to turn head down. Who knows how many hours I actually spent with my backside elevated and my head down, but it was worth it.

    After a night of nearly no sleep I drove the death-trap motorway with my eyes half closed down to the hospital on the other side of the city, my hopes pinned on the suspicion I had that one very painful night's sleep was actually caused by a rotating baby.

    Amazingly I was right. Lilac has turned around. A quick ultrasound confirmed that her head is in my crotch. The relief I feel is beyond words.

    We are back on track for the waterbirth, which is getting increasingly closer. Yesterday marked week 33 of my pregnancy, indicating just 7 weeks to go.

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