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    Thursday, 24 March 2011

    Accidents happen (bad ones)

    I just read this article in the Sydney Morning Herald about a toddler nearly drowning in a rip on a normal day at the beach with mum and dad.

    About a month ago we went to the beach. Swimming between the flags as we always do, I waded thigh-deep into the water carrying Jude and steadied myself against an oncoming wave, turning Jude away to protect him with my body.

    The wave hit with such brute force it sent a shock of pain through my aching pregnant hips and I had to struggle to stay standing. I immediately headed back to the beach, realising that I was powerless against the forces of nature that day. I could barely walk afterwards from the pain.

    Had I been any deeper before the wave hit, I would have gone down dragging Jude with me, and I can see how easy it would be to get into trouble in a rip with your toddler. It just goes to show you can be careful, you can do everything "right", but you can not plan for all possible accidents.

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