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    Saturday, 26 March 2011

    Jude the changeling

    My mind is reeling. What has happened to my perfect son? In the last 3 days he has become unsettled, grumpy and mean. I have a great popup book about faeries that mentions something about changelings. Maybe I should look into that.

    Actually as I sit here typing on my PC, I can hear Jude playing happily by himself in the next room and I am starting to think he is going through a fierce streak of independence. If I went in and tried to play with him, he'd run to the lounge and demand to watch TV and then break down in tears when I said "no". I'm sure that would happen, so I'm going to leave him playing happily with his felt rock band, singing a medley of songs that work to the tune of ABC and playing his piano (my old Casio keyboard from the early 1980s that still works perfectly).

    When I don't give him what he wants he says "I don't like mummy." This is quite the dramatic change from 4 days ago when he was constantly saying "Jude is happy. Jude loves mummy." Hence my reeling mind. What happened to cause this dramatic overnight change?

    Speaking of overnight... yesterday he refused to take a nap during the day. 4 days ago he was telling me he was tired and wanted to sleep around 12.30pm and would crash happily in bed. Now he keeps insisting on no sleep. So yesterday Jeremy took him out and they had a really fun, exciting day together. Breakfast down by the water, run around a book store, a swim in the pool... it should have wiped him out but then Jude refused to sleep at night as well.

    I suspect he was overtired, but I don't know why he is refusing to sleep. A few days ago he told us when he was tired and crawled happily into bed and fell promptly asleep, all of a sudden that's all gone out the window.

    I just hope this is a very temporary change. I think my best course of action right now is to give him his space if that's what he wants.

    On a possibly related note, he has finally stopped waiting until bed time to poo in his nappy, but so far only 1 poo has made it in the potty. There have been several land squarely on the carpet. At least he's doing well-formed poos since we changed his milk to a new gluten and lactose free brand. Maybe it's all part of something. Who knows?

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